Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara

Südamerika CampingPlatz (Sonstiges)

landy89 @, Sonntag, 15. Juni 2014, 22:52 (vor 3654 Tagen) @ weltreisende.ch

I am very serious Werner.
My workshop file was created completely without any data from other travelers. If you had any lick of sense, you can easily look through the file and determine that for yourself.

All of my data files have a small piece of code in them that indicates that they originated from me and also WHO downloaded them and when from my website. The files you have download from my website onto your computer have your fingerprints all over them Werner.

My I remind you Werner of your demonstrated incompetence in the past. Shall I post our email exchange from the past in which you request me to help you convert my own files into a format of your liking since you are too incompetent to do so yourself despite my detailed instructions? You really need to get off your high horse and get some humility. It is this type of know-it-all idiotic behavior which made German-speaking overlanders known as the second most hated tourists in the world after Israelis. I have encountered Campgrounds in South America which refuse entry for german-speakers. I am sure you don't know what I am talking about since these owners would never say such a thing to your face. When I questioned them why, I learned what a bunch of selfish cheap a**holes members of your group can be. The idea of the 'Ugly American' had been converted to the 'ugly german-speaker'. Well done. Thank yourselves for your great work. This forum is a petri dish of these 'ugly german-speakers'.

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