Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara

Südamerika CampingPlatz (Sonstiges)

landy89 @, Freitag, 13. Juni 2014, 13:53 (vor 3656 Tagen) @ Abenteuer

It is very simple. Send me a private message. I will send you a sample. Look at my website; the website has more information for free than all of you complainers combined. It just so happens that I do not need to give for free everything just because you think I should. I asked the forum for help in building the database, cleaning the data, etc. No one helped. All of the data I used was freely available on the internet without restriction (except for my own collected data). You can build your own database if you wish. Or you save a lot of time and pain, and pay me to do it for you. Or you can travel without a database. Your choice. No one is forcing you to do it one way or another. So act like an adult and keep your nasty nonsense to yourselves.

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