Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara

Südamerika CampingPlatz (Sonstiges)

landy89 @, Freitag, 13. Juni 2014, 17:22 (vor 3655 Tagen) @ Gringa

I spent 2 months every day (60 days) working about 14 hours each day making this database. My eyes were burning by the end of it. I did it so that I could have a reliable database of actual CAMPGROUNDS with services to use in my travels. I have been traveling in South America for 5 years and have been frustrated at the amount of time wasted trying to find places to sleep each night. With the database it is so much easier to know that there is a place which for sure I can camp at, instead of searching in the dark. Some travelers with large trucks do not need campgrounds since they have all services in their vehicles. Other travelers like me, do need services (toilets, showers, etc), so the database is extremely useful for people like me.

If you don't see a need for such a database for yourself, then that is fine. But for many others such a database is very useful. The same logic applies for why some people use the Seabridge tours or Rotel tours, and others do not.

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