Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara

Südamerika CampingPlatz (Sonstiges)

landy89 @, Freitag, 13. Juni 2014, 18:41 (vor 3655 Tagen) @ PanaMicha

Obviously you are an expert in copywrite law. And with this expert knowledge you have also somehow determined exactly what data I have in my database, what exactly the terms were of any data I acquired, and so forth. I know exactly how copywrite protection law is written, how a legal suit in this fashion can be put forth in these circumstances, and how a legal suit is adjudicated in these types of matters.

Please go play lawyer somewhere else.

The very long answer to this ridiculous flurry of nonsense comments by yourself and other posters on this thread is that YOU ALL HAD A CHANCE TO BUILD THE DATABASE IN QUESTION WITH ME AS AN OPEN SOURCE PROJECT. I and one other user on this forum posted a request for help in building such a database a few months ago on this forum. NO ONE offered to help. So the other user and I began the project alone. Then the other user had his computers stolen after he had spent a very short amount of time working on the project. He decided to abandon the project, which left me alone with the project. I decided that I would continue to build the database myself as it was very useful for my ongoing travels in South America. Let's be clear, everyone on this forum had a chance to participate, and NO ONE did. The small amounts of data files which were given to me by other users were almost all useless since almost all of their data was incomplete duplicates of what I had gleaned from other more reliable local language databases. Many user users' data turned out to be completely inaccurate when I attempted to cross reference it with Google Earth and OSM.

This thread has been nothing but a flurry of grandstanding jealous blowhards.

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