Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara

Banjercito Mexiko (Papierkram)

elipsoid ⌂, Sonntag, 24. November 2013, 05:07 (vor 3809 Tagen) @ Mona

das könnt ihr einfach in Pichilingue machen. Pichilingue ist ein Hafen in der Nähe von La Paz. Sorry, further in English, my German is a bit rusty:
You can either drive through La Paz, or take the southern bypass. You then arrive to the port - you will see some food stands on your right and a gate on your left - enter through the gate and park straight in the little parking lot in front of it. To the right you would go to the ferries with your car and you can buy your ferry tickets over there, offices of TMC an Baja Ferries are there. But first go left. To the left you can see a (I think it is blue) building and on it's right-hand corner is a banjercito. Ask the guards, they will point you in the right direction. The opening hours vary, we were there I believe on Tuesday and they were open until 6 pm.

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