Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara

Visum für USA/Kanada als Venezolaner (Sonstiges)

IVECO Tony @, Wherever., Samstag, 11. Mai 2013, 04:51 (vor 4004 Tagen) @ Eva Maria

Yes, it is just one of those situations where a few people misbehaving cause rules and procedures to be introduced that make it hard for all the rest.
I guess countries can only make those rules based on general statistics rather than looking at individual cases. '
The US and UK and I know Australia does, look at what percentage of tourists from each country overstay their visas, or in fact never leave, and tailor the entry requirements accordingly. Maybe not fair to the individual visitors who are inconvenienced, but I guess it is practical for the visited country to at least raise the barrier high enough to reduce the odds of anyone staying.
Does it work?? Probably not because I know that in Australia, the influx of economic refugees and "genuine"refugees is increasing despite the barriers being raised, and somehow people from very poor countries are finding vast amounts of money to pay the people smugglers.

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