Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara

Internationaler Führerschein und TÜV in Südamerika (Sonstiges)

IVECO Tony @, Wherever., Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2015, 23:19 (vor 3157 Tagen) @ Gringa
bearbeitet von IVECO Tony, Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2015, 23:27

My understanding is that a non-Swiss Citizen can not legally register and insure a Swiss vehicle. Same goes for vehicles in Germany where we do actually own a motorhome, but have to get the selling dealer to act as proxy and get the registration and insurance in the company name. Then we have to have permission from that company to drive our own vehicle across borders into Turkey and Morocco. Some other countries also make it very difficult for a foreigner to transfer registration by remote control.
Same applies to some US states but where we got around it by forming a Limited Liability Company which we can legally do, and then the LLC owns the RVs. In Montana, all transfers of vehicles can be done via the internet. This is how we can have a legally-owned, currently registered vehicle running around South America with permanent registration tags. As in Germany, I as company director have to give myself permission to take it outside the US.

Anyway, the fundamental point raised by the OP is that it is difficult to run around the world and comply with the international conventions on free movement of travellers which in part states that vehicle registration documents current in the originating country must be carried in the vehicle.

The vehicle must meet all technical requirements to be legal for road use in the country of registration. Any conflicting technical requirements (e.g., right-hand-drive or left-hand-drive) in the signatory country where the vehicle is being driven do not apply.
The driver must carry the vehicle's registration certificate, and if the vehicle is not registered in the name of an occupant of the vehicle (e.g., a hire car), proof of the driver's right to be in possession of the vehicle.

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vienna_Convention_on_Road_Traffic

I've raised similar concerns myself but generally the response is that everyone does it so why worry. Answer is that I'm told that prisons around here are best avoided. As do all of us, he has to make an informed risk assessment of all aspect of his travels and one aspect is obviously whether he can afford to drive around without any comprehensive insurance on his vehicle and another aspect is what is the worst case scenario if he does his best to have compulsory liability cover required by a particular country, and then ends up in a major accident that is determined to be his fault. (which I guess is what we all have to live with to a certain extent whether legally registered back home or not. Certainly I would prefer not to have to write off a moderately expensive vehicle, but it is on the cards. Not sure what I would do if I owned a 500,000 euro vehicle and couldn;t get insurance at a price I could afford.

Tony Lee
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