Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara

KFZ Versicherung für Südamerika (Sonstiges)

IVECO Tony @, Wherever., Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2015, 16:46 (vor 3161 Tagen) @ Gringa

Yes, but they also asked about insurance for the northern parts of SA as well.

I thought insurance for the lower part had been well documented here fairly recently, so didn't bother mentioning it.. We arranged our insurance through Klaus at El Bolson and that can be done totally by email and paid by paypal or bank transfer back in Germany and is good for Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile.

His email address is info@abgefahren.info

Liability insurance only of course.

Tony Lee
Photos at https://picasaweb.google.com/114611728110254134379
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