Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara


Tim and Eline, Samstag, 16. Januar 2016, 21:16 (vor 3022 Tagen)

FOR SALE: VOLKSWAGEN KOMBI T2, 1975, GERMAN-Mexican MODEL, fully equipped

With pain in our hearts we’ll sell our TRAVEL COMPANION, MELQUIADES (One Hundred years of Solitude, Marquez).

Selling from April 1 2016 in Santiago Valparaiso region. (We will be working in these cities before we continue travelling by boat)

The car is registered in Mexico. Will be sold with a Power of Attorney (Poder de Notaria) and a compra-venta. Explanation of papers via personal message tim (dot) vanhooren (at) gmail (dot) com. If you want to get the car registered on your own name you shouldn’t be afraid of a nice trip to Mexico ;).
Car in good shape: Engine lowered and revised in Peru (15.000 km ago). Various other new parts.

Comes with two spare tires, bed, chairs, cool box, toolbox, a lot of spare parts, guidebook (in Spanish, a must!), kitchen equipment, jerry cans (60liters in total), gas, extra battery (not connected) AND 2 days of full explanation in French, English, Spanish or Dutch.

We travelled in Bolivia (until 4500m), Peru, Ecuador, Chili, Argentina for the last 9 months. (In April it will be 1 year) To get an idea of the trip: roamingthenewworld.wordpress.com (we are still 4 months behind ;) )

For more pictures you can look at one of our blogpost (you’ll see the van how he is! Some optimizations still been made since then): https://roamingthenewworld.wordpress.com/2015/08/22/melqui-who-the-fuck-is-me...

Please feel free to ask any question about our camper in French, English, Spanish or Dutch and we will answer you. Take in mind that we are travelling in South Patagonia so answers could easily take more than a week. tim (dot) vanhooren (at) gmail (dot) com
Advertised as $4700, but we can consider serious offers.


Eline and Tim (from Belgium)


VENTA: VOLKSWAGEN KOMBI T2, 1975, ALEMAN-Mexicano, equipado por viaje
Vendimos nuestro compañero de viaje, Melquiades (Cien Años de Solidad, Marquez).
De 1 Avril 2016 cerca de Santiago o Valparaiso. (Nos quedamos ahí por el trabajo algunos meses)
El Kombi es registrado en Mexico. Lo vendimos con un Poder de Notaria y un compra-venta. Todo l’explicacion de los papeles en mesaje personal tim(punto)vanhooren(aroba)gmail(punto)com.
El caro esta en buen estado: bajamos el motor y lo revisamos en Peru (hace 15000km). Varios otros partes nuevos.
Lo vendimos con dos ruedas de seguro, cama, sillas, coolbox, muchos repuestos, herramientos, un guia en Español, herramientos de cocina, bidones (60 litros), gas, batteria de seguro Y DOS DIAS DE INFORMACION SOBRE EL AUTO.
Viajamos por Bolivia (4500msnm), Peru, Ecuador, Chile y Argentina en los ultimos 9 meses. In Avril seria 1 año. roamingthenewworld.wordpress.com (faltan 4 meses ;) )
Para ver mas fotos (ya hizimos mas modificaciones): https://roamingthenewworld.wordpress.com/2015/08/22/melqui-who-the-fuck-is-me...
Preguntan lo que quieren sobre esta Kombi. Vamos responder, pero puede demorar facilmente una semana porque estamos viajando en el sur de Patagonia ahora.
Precio: $4700
Eline y Tim


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