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Brazil, the amazon (Straßen & Routen)

emile smidt @, Sonntag, 08. Mai 2011, 17:01 (vor 4772 Tagen)

We are looking to buy our won 4x4 but some things depend on this decision. Can you leave Manus in brazil by road going south? Is there car ferries down the amazon?if so how much? we want to leave Venzuala and head for argetina through brazil but is this possible by 4x4 crossing the amazon?advice?
Thank you

Brazil, the amazon

Frank Rogowski @, 7, Sonntag, 08. Mai 2011, 21:03 (vor 4772 Tagen) @ emile smidt


And from Manaus you have to take a Boot(Crane the Car)and then ship to Beleem in Brasil, its quite expensive like 1000 Dollar...

I would like to do it in a normal Van from Brasil to Venezuela... So i am looking for infromation too...

greetings Frank

Brazil, the amazon

emile smidt, Montag, 09. Mai 2011, 14:53 (vor 4771 Tagen) @ Frank Rogowski

If you learn anythig new please let us know. i think you can go by car ferry from the guianas to belem. an option?

Brazil, the amazon

sonnenlilie, Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011, 18:12 (vor 4763 Tagen) @ emile smidt

hey, we are maybe also interested to go from brasil to venezuela...
We read in a book that there is a paved road through the amazonas... But don´t know how reliable this information is.
let us know if you found new information.... =)

saludos desde Argentina

Brazil, the amazon

melanie ⌂ @, Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011, 15:53 (vor 4755 Tagen) @ emile smidt

Hello, we did the way from Manaus to Venezuela in 2007. We´ve passed there in march, it was very dry that year, and it was possible even without a 4x4. The streets were mainly paved and good, but sometimes just bad with deep holes - like usually in Brasil. Between Boa Vista and Manaus, you have to pass an indian reserve which you can´t pass during night and where it´s not allowed to take pictures there. And don´t expect to see too much of the rain forest...
From Manaus to Belem you have to take a ferry for the car, passangers are not allowed anymore to drive with them and have to take a "birtd-cage" (ship only for passengers who sleep side by side in an hammock or take a cabin). We paid for the ferry about 600 euros (passengers included), but the prices might have raised.
I´ve heard there´s a street from Boa Vista to Guyana, but you cannot take in the rainy season and only with an 4x4. But I don´t know if there´s an ferry from Guyana to Belem.

I hope I could help you with this information. If you want to know more, you can write me an email (melanie(at)rum-reisen.de or see some pictures and travel reports in german on our homepage www.rum-reisen.de).

Tell me how is the situation in Venezuela right now? We know that it is getting more and more criminal there, recently there was a friend of us travelling there, who ist doing that since many years, and this time he was just happy to leave the Venezuela... regrettably, because it´s a wonderful country!

Greetings Melanie

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