Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara

GPS-Tracker (Technisches)

Ed2018 @, Mannheim, Montag, 02. März 2020, 17:40 (vor 1514 Tagen) @ Gringa


ich habe die Einwände ernst genommen und GEOS zur Notrettng in Südamerika angeschrieben.
Beim Garmin Inreach Explorer oder z.B. einem SpotX (https://www.findmespot.eu/gm/) wird die Notrufzentrale GEOS informiert.

Hier die Antwort:

We have a main point of contact within each country that we coordinate rescues with (typically a Rescue Coordination Center). We work with the agencies in both Colombia and Chile fairly often, so I would say that we have a good relationship with them both. In the event we receive an SOS from a device in either of those countries, we will notify the agency of the SOS and provide all known information (including Latitude/Longitude). The agency will then follow their Standard Operating Procedure as to how to respond to the incident. We will stay in contact with the responding agency until we receive confirmation that the rescue is complete.

Also die Aussage, es gäbe keine Notfallinfrastruktur in Südamerika scheint nicht zu stimmen.


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