Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara

Offene Vollmacht (poder) (Papierkram)

Frank @, Mittwoch, 18. April 2018, 17:32 (vor 2250 Tagen)

Hallo zusammen,

Hat jemand in letzter Zeit im Raum BsAs oder MVO ein offenes Poder erstellen lassen?
Ich habe vernommen, dass dies minimum in Argentinien nicht mehr so easy geht, aber es kennt ja jemand vielleicht eine gute Adresse einer Notaria, die dies noch tut. Logischweise bedingt es, dass der/die Bevollmächtigte danach selbst auch noch auf die Notaria muss. Einfach zeitlich verschoben.
Wenn jemand gute Adresse in BsAs einer Notaria kennt, dann auch mailen. Das wäre ein Start.



Offene Vollmacht (poder)

IVECO Tony @, Wherever., Donnerstag, 19. April 2018, 03:03 (vor 2250 Tagen) @ Frank

I don't see how you can have an open poder - but of course I might be misunderastanding "open"

Christian Torlasco of AndeanRoads.com can arrange legitimate poders in BA and we used his contact twice. In both cases the giver of the poder attended the notary and in both caes the receiver did not need to attend. The giver signs it and thumbpribnts it while the text of the poder contains full details of the vehicle and full details of the receiver - name, residential address, drivers license number and passport details

Tony Lee
Photos at https://picasaweb.google.com/114611728110254134379
Travels map at https://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=5cfc50ef7ac22ca2d&hoursPast=2400&...

Offene Vollmacht (poder)

Frank, Donnerstag, 19. April 2018, 13:48 (vor 2249 Tagen) @ IVECO Tony

Thanks for the answer Tony. I will try with them.
In terms of misunderstanding: in Chile we could issue a “poder” and leave the receiver name open. This process is as well used, when an agent sells your car in your name. Minimum this is way I sold our vehicles when we left the country.
To close the deal, the receiver has of course to go to the same notary and present him/herself.


Offene Vollmacht (poder)

IVECO Tony @, Wherever., Donnerstag, 19. April 2018, 21:00 (vor 2249 Tagen) @ Frank

Ah, OK. I did also get a poder in Chile - far cheaper than in Arg and didn't realise that you could leave the buyer's name off it. Makes sense in that it really isn't fully open because they have to go to get the process completed.

Could be that the notary in BA might be able to arrange a similar process if you don't know the name of the buyer but it could involve a few days delay because the notary has to send the documentation to a higher authority for ratification and a couple of extra stamps. This is one of the ones I got.


Tony Lee
Photos at https://picasaweb.google.com/114611728110254134379
Travels map at https://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=5cfc50ef7ac22ca2d&hoursPast=2400&...

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