Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara

Änderung der RUT- Beantragung in Chile seit Januar 2015 (Papierkram)

IvecoTony, Freitag, 13. November 2015, 22:39 (vor 3080 Tagen) @ Manicas

Can't really blame them because they are getting involved with legal documentation which may somehow bind them into accepting some responsibility for the actions of the foreigner, or maybe certifying that they know the foreigner very well and attest to their good character which is likely a false swearing if they only met the day before.

One of these days some smart broke country - Argentina perhaps - will realise there is money to be made by introducing a simple process that allows foreigners to buy and sell cars to each other and pay a special fee, or buy Argentinian cars without restricting them to within Argentina.
Trouble is then they would have to make sure the foreigners legally transferred ownership, title and registration back in the original country of registration so they can get valid insurance, and of course we all know that is often impossible to do.

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