Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara

Mit Vollmacht/"Poder" durch Südamerika ? (Sonstiges)

IVECO Tony @, Wherever., Mittwoch, 21. Oktober 2015, 16:29 (vor 3161 Tagen) @ Frederic

I've only ever used an official Poder crossing the border out of Argentina, but some apparently keep using the Poder as an alternative to getting the purchase regularised back in the country of registration (because that is more often than not impossible to do)

The problem is, I'm told, that there are a couple of countries that do not recognise PODERs issued in some other SA countries. Peru is mentioned as one.

I would have thought that if some people get away with it for years after what is usually an illegal sale of a vehicle, then two brothers with the same family name supported by appropriate formal agreements between them shouldn't have any problems. On one of my permission letters I, as director of the company that owns the vehicles, have to sign giving myself permission to take the vehicles over borders, I have photos of the vehicle on the Poder and in your case, as well as including passport numbers and other details of all parties as is required, I would have photographs of the two of you on the PODER as well. Even including images of both passport details page would add another layer of authenticity as in one crossing, they did ask for a lot of info about the owner of the vehicle and in that case I was able to show them a copy of the owner's passport and describe their last few border crossings.

Another extra would be to have your brother included on the insurance documents as an authorised driver - which he should be anyway if the insurance company allows both name to be on the papers

Tony Lee
Photos at https://picasaweb.google.com/114611728110254134379
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