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Longer term visa for Ecuador? (Papierkram)

IVECO Tony @, Wherever., Samstag, 20. Juni 2015, 13:09 (vor 3284 Tagen)

Would be good if we could leave our camper in Ecuador at the end of our current 6-month trip just starting.

The normal visa and TIP is for 3 months but I'm told it is possible to get a visa and TIP for 180 days and that would allow us to head off elsewhere for nearly 6 months.

Anyone have any info on this possibility.

I've used up my good-will with Peru Aduana as they granted us a 9-month suspension on medical grounds which has just ended, so if we can't leave it in Ecuador, we would have to take it down into Argentina again for the next layover and I'd rather leave that for the next trip.

Tony Lee
Photos at https://picasaweb.google.com/114611728110254134379
Travels map at https://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=5cfc50ef7ac22ca2d&hoursPast=2400&...

Longer term visa for Ecuador?

Markus S, Sonntag, 21. Juni 2015, 01:16 (vor 3284 Tagen) @ IVECO Tony

In Huaquillas - Aguas Verdes, the international border Ecuador - Peru is about 10km after you have to make
the exit of the car when you leave Ecuador.

So, when you exit Ecuador to Peru in Huaquillas, you first exit the car, then you go to the border and make all paperwork
for the passport and then the car entry in Peru.

Actually when I exit Ecuador I went directely to the border, made my passport and then I wanted to make the exit
of the car, but they told me that I have to drive back 10km to Ecuatorian Aduana. So I drove back .. everything was no problem.

What I mean is the following, on this border you can exit the car in Aduana of Ecuador and then you can drive to the border,
in the way between you can enter Huaquillas City ... there are plenty of parking lots or playas where you can park your car
then unlimited time as it exited Ecuador and did not enter Peru.


Longer term visa for Ecuador?

IVECO Tony @, Wherever., Sonntag, 21. Juni 2015, 12:42 (vor 3283 Tagen) @ Markus S
bearbeitet von IVECO Tony, Sonntag, 21. Juni 2015, 13:03

Thanks Marcus, that would be an interesting possibility.
How long ago did you cross this border.

Reason I ask is that looking at Google Earth, there are two huge new complexes, one each side of the road a couple of hundred metres from the actual border.

Looks to me from the road markings as if the one on the Peru side is a co-located Peru + Ecuador immigration and customs for south-bound traffic and the one on the north side of the border is a co-located Peru + Ecuador Immigration and Customs for north-bound traffic.

Google street view with imagery from mid-2013 seems to confirm that.

If so, that is just one more border without a convenient no-mans-land to swap number-plates and documents.

Tony Lee
Photos at https://picasaweb.google.com/114611728110254134379
Travels map at https://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=5cfc50ef7ac22ca2d&hoursPast=2400&...

Longer term visa for Ecuador?

Markus S, Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2015, 06:42 (vor 3281 Tagen) @ IVECO Tony

3 Month ago I crossed there, so 05/2015

You have 2 big complex there, correct. Those complex contain only peruvian customs, but peruvian and ecuatorian immigration.

Ecuatorian customs you can find here

One complex is here
The other here

In between you can go to huaquillas city center and park your car as long as you want :-)


Longer term visa for Ecuador?

JStefan ⌂ @, Südamerika ex Asien, Dienstag, 23. Juni 2015, 17:52 (vor 3281 Tagen) @ Markus S

Be careful...not a safe area... we had a roberry in Tumbes in the middle of the day...at a bussy street and we were 5mtrs beside... So take good care...

Wer, Wie, Was, Wo: http://www.tvware.de

Longer term visa for Ecuador?

Asam @, Sonntag, 21. Juni 2015, 13:58 (vor 3283 Tagen) @ IVECO Tony

You can park your car at Finca Sommerfind near Ibarra.
Look at this thread



Longer term visa for Ecuador?

IVECO Tony @, Wherever., Sonntag, 21. Juni 2015, 14:21 (vor 3283 Tagen) @ Asam
bearbeitet von IVECO Tony, Sonntag, 21. Juni 2015, 14:28

Yes, thanks Rene, that is what I intended to do if I can get the 6-month visa without too much delay.

Given that waiting until we get to Ecuador to get the visa means a delay in getting the visa and then further delay to make a plane booking, I guess we would be smarter to get the visa before we get into Ecuador so we can make the plane booking to suit and so get the full 6 months.

One question yet to be answered is if we get the 6 month visa, will we automatically get a 6-month TIP at the border as well. Not much point in asking for the visa if we then have to extend the TIP after 3 months. If that is the case then no point in spending close to $300 for a 180 day visa.

I'll have to check if there is an Ecuadore consulate in the north of Peru or south of Columbia.

Yes, the list shows several choices close to north and south borders so that will be convenient.

Tony Lee
Photos at https://picasaweb.google.com/114611728110254134379
Travels map at https://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=5cfc50ef7ac22ca2d&hoursPast=2400&...

Longer term visa for Ecuador?

Asam @, Sonntag, 21. Juni 2015, 22:09 (vor 3283 Tagen) @ IVECO Tony

You could email Finca Sommerwind. They are very helpfull and as they have some cars staying there for some months should know very good the exact procedure.

Longer term visa for Ecuador?

Sommerwind ⌂ @, Ibarra, Ecuador, Montag, 22. Juni 2015, 12:53 (vor 3282 Tagen) @ IVECO Tony

This "Finca Sommerwind" calling! ;-)))
Please send me a private email and I can explain something about the visa!


Longer term visa for Ecuador?

JStefan ⌂ @, Südamerika ex Asien, Dienstag, 23. Juni 2015, 17:48 (vor 3281 Tagen) @ Sommerwind

its 220us and you can extend for 6month...at the immigration office.

Wer, Wie, Was, Wo: http://www.tvware.de

Longer term visa for Ecuador?

IvecoTony, Samstag, 27. Juni 2015, 01:59 (vor 3278 Tagen) @ JStefan

Yes, getting the 6-month visitors visa is just a matter of filling out some forms and paying an exorbitant amount of money, but that isn't the problem. What I want to do is to be able to leave the camper in Ecuador while I go elsewhere for as close to the whole 6 months as possible. I'm not really interested in actually spending six months in Ecuador, just looking for somewhere to stash the vehicle for 6 months at a reasonably price.

BUT I have been assured that it is NOT possible to get a six-month TIP to match the 6-month visa and the best you can get is to have one lot of three months, then drive out of Ecuador and re-enter and get another three months. Not too much of a problem if you were just renting a house somewhere close to the border, but a BIG problem if the owner is in Germany or wherever. In this case there is no point whatsoever in getting the 6 month visa.

I've yet to confirm that is the case but I wouldn't be at all surprised.

At least Argentina and Uruguay have got it the right way around - give a 3-month visa and an 8 or 12-month TIP. That system you can do something with.

Longer term visa for Ecuador?

Sommerwind @, Samstag, 27. Juni 2015, 12:51 (vor 3277 Tagen) @ IvecoTony

Now I-m a little bit confused.......I understand that you want to leave the vehicle in Ecuador and you go outside. Right?
What's the problem in making the 6-month-visa (extendet turism)? With this visa you can leave the country and let the car here.
By the way: if you have once left Ecuador after 90 days, you have to wait 9 month before the next entry. The option you mentioned (go out and come back directly) is not possible. Maybe you have good luck and they let you come in, but you can't insist, if they say no.


Longer term visa for Ecuador?

IVECO Tony @, Wherever., Samstag, 27. Juni 2015, 16:01 (vor 3277 Tagen) @ Sommerwind

"Now I-"m a little bit confused.......I understand that you want to leave the vehicle in Ecuador and you go outside. Right?
What's the problem in making the 6-month-visa (extendet turism)? With this visa you can leave the country and let the car here."

I don't know that there is a problem, but equally I can't find concrete information that would give me certainty that the isn't a problem.

Many other countries have entirely separate systems for issue of personal visas and TVIP and I suspect Ecuador is no different. Immigration have their own rules and Aduana have their rules and they each don't worry about the other's rules.

For instance Mexico has 180 day personal visas and 10 year TVIP for motorhomes. Argentina has 8 month TVIP and 90 day personal visas. Bolivia have different periods for visas and TVIPs and they have different procedures and conditions for extending them. Same with Uruguay. In Peru we obtained official permission the leave the vehicle behind for 10 months, but that was done only by suspending the TVIP while we were away and now that we are back, we only have the balance of the 90 days to leave the country, not a fresh period of 90 days.

Ecuador has as standard a 90 day personal visa and a 90 day TVIP. Ecuador also has an option of a 180 day personal visa, BUT I can't see any option for getting a 180-day TVIP to match the extended personal visa. I have been told there is no provision at all for extending the TVIP except by leaving via a border post and returning. Of course that information may be wrong or outdated.

The ability to leave a vehicle for two or three months while leaving the vehicle behind isn't universal, but is widely tolerated by many countries as long as the validity periods for the TVIP aren't broken, but we want to leave the vehicle behind for as close to 6 months as possible and while I can do that in Uruguay and Argentina, it seems doubtful that it can be done in Ecuador even if we pay the several hundred dollars to get an extended visa.

If indeed you have had several customers who have left their vehicle for significantly more than 3 months, then there must be either a way of extending the TVIP without the owner driving out of the country, or it is possible to obtain a 6 month TVIP to match the 6 month visa.

Tony Lee
Photos at https://picasaweb.google.com/114611728110254134379
Travels map at https://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=5cfc50ef7ac22ca2d&hoursPast=2400&...

Longer term visa for Ecuador?

Sommerwind @, Samstag, 27. Juni 2015, 19:26 (vor 3277 Tagen) @ IVECO Tony

We always have vehicles left in our campground during the "vacations of the vacations" of their owners.
Once you got the extended tourist-visa, you go to the aduana at Quito Airport and gets the paper of your car. You don't have to cross aborder.
We know a lot of overlanders who did that without any problems.


Longer term visa for Ecuador?

IVECO Tony @, Wherever., Samstag, 27. Juni 2015, 23:13 (vor 3277 Tagen) @ Sommerwind

OK, thanks.

See what happens when we get there.

Tony Lee
Photos at https://picasaweb.google.com/114611728110254134379
Travels map at https://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=5cfc50ef7ac22ca2d&hoursPast=2400&...

Longer term visa for Ecuador?

loupphil, Samstag, 04. Juli 2015, 15:45 (vor 3270 Tagen) @ IVECO Tony

My véhicule is currently stored at sommerwind for 4 months
I have got a 180 days visa at quito and after That i asked at the customs office close to the airport to get an authorisation of 6 months for my véhicule. They only gave me an authorisation for 3 months. I have had to explain them why i needed 6 months(to fly black to europ for health reasons. They accepted and finally gave me a 6 months authorisation


Longer term visa for Ecuador?

IVECO Tony @, Wherever., Samstag, 04. Juli 2015, 22:32 (vor 3270 Tagen) @ loupphil

Yes, and that uncertainty is what makes it hard.

Get a 6 month visa at huge cost, then hope you can get a 6-month TIP which is entirely at the discretion of the particular officer on duty. Then if get the 6-month TIP, book your plane tickets if and when you get all the ducks lined up properly, but of course pay top rate for short-notice tickets and even more if you want to have flexibility..

Allowing for inevitable delays, might be lucky to be able to rely on getting out of the country for 4 to 5 months maximum.

Might be just as easy to book tickets well ahead, cross the border the day before the flight with three months visa and TIP, both at zero cost, drive straight to somewhere the vehicle can be stored, then to the airport and on the plane. Be away for 87 days and when return, drive straight out on arrival.

Probably do the same in any country.

Needs thinking about.

Tony Lee
Photos at https://picasaweb.google.com/114611728110254134379
Travels map at https://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=5cfc50ef7ac22ca2d&hoursPast=2400&...

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