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navigation all over South America, easy solution (Sonstiges)

Joost ⌂ @, Montag, 28. Juli 2014, 14:08 (vor 3611 Tagen)

I wrote a little article about how we navigate. Using Openstreetmap on an Android smartphone, an easy and cheap solution. I also explain how you can use the app we use (Osmand) to give back to the mapping community and to the countries travelled. Here is the link.

navigation all over South America, easy solution

newlife2012 ⌂ @, Dienstag, 29. Juli 2014, 13:05 (vor 3611 Tagen) @ Joost

Hi Joost,

thanks for the useful link. We used OSMand as a backup solution on our travels along the Panamericana and loved it. Additionally I used it in Marokko and the quality of the maps + POIs was always good! I can only recommend it. Import of waypoints and POIs is also easy.

Best, Armin

navigation all over South America, easy solution

dare2go ⌂ @, Sonntag, 17. August 2014, 20:20 (vor 3591 Tagen) @ Joost

Thanks for sharing! Will read it (offline)
I'm currently using Navigator and/or Skobbler on a Nexus 7 tablet (need large size map or reading glasses = large size map more comfortable - LOL) with mixed results. Mostly good, but sometimes total fail...

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