Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara

Argentina TIP now restricted to 3 months???? (Papierkram)

landy89 @, Montag, 09. September 2013, 13:05 (vor 3904 Tagen) @ cassowarry

It is not exactly a rumor. The law in Argentina is that a foreign vehicle is permitted to enter for 8 months maximum. HOWEVER, sometimes at some crossings with some officers different things happen. I have been granted a 3 month permit once at the Paso de Llama crossing between Atacama and Salta. I believe that this happened because that crossing is very busy with non-Mercosur vehicles and it is also very computerized. The officer scanned my euro passport (90 day tourist entry) and consequently the computer spit out a 90 day vehicle permit. On later entries at other crossings, i got 8 months; particularly when the officer had to enter the information manually either into the computer or on a paper.

There is also a rumor on HUBB that vehicles into Brasil no longer need TVIP. I don't know if this is true. But if it is, then that ends all worries about overstay.

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