Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara

Vehicle regulations - reflectors, towbars, first aid etc (Technisches)

IVECO Tony @, Wherever., Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013, 00:40 (vor 4029 Tagen)

Reading the various blogs, it is obvious that getting fined for minor irregularities is a major source of revenue for the government of some countries (not to mention a major source of pocket money for corrupt police).

Has anyone ever got together a list of basic requirements for say, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Peru. Would be nice to get a table that lists everything just as is available for all EU countries.

Some items for say a 4.5 tonne camper van that I've seen mentioned.

Carry first aid kit (yes, of course sensible, but is it mandatory?)
Carry fire extinguisher - what size?? 1kg??
Need more than one fire extinguisher in some situations??
Carry rigid towbar????
Warning triangles - 2 or 3????
Country sign on back???? ie GB or DE
Speed limit placard on back - if so, how is the speed determined?
Reflectors mounted on vehicle - number and colour??
Reflective stripe along side and across rear???? colour, size, placement????
All vehicles require bumper bars front and rear???

Drive with lights on at all times???
Seat belts must be used???
Head rests must be fitted to seats???

Any comments on any of these.
Any extra ones people have been stopped for and fined?



Vehicle regulations - reflectors, towbars, first aid etc

JStefan ⌂ @, Südamerika ex Asien, Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2013, 14:48 (vor 4028 Tagen) @ IVECO Tony

a aditional Question would be:
what from above is just for comercial trucks and busses and what is mandatory for private owned and used....


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