Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara

SOAT Peru (Sonstiges)

IVECO Tony @, Wherever., Dienstag, 07. Mai 2013, 23:25 (vor 4007 Tagen) @ dinoevo

Someone who arranges insurance for the southern countries and who should know said

"Insurance companies in Peru: Most travelers say that insurance is not obligatory, but you may as well cover against third party. Depending on your schedule you will find an agent in Tacna or in Puno of MAPFRE or POSITIVA for one year coverage about 100 US$. The policy will also cover you with all neighboring countries of Peru (also Ecuador).

For example: MAPFRE, Calle Blondell 76, Tacna, Tel/Fax: 743683"

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