Urwaldschutzprojekt in Paraguay braucht Eure Hilfe: Pro Cosara

Visum für USA/Kanada als Venezolaner (Sonstiges)

Eva Maria, Freitag, 10. Mai 2013, 15:33 (vor 4007 Tagen) @ IVECO Tony

Thanks Thony, but the travel insurance isn´t the problem, it´s like Panamtraveler wrote the money in dollars... that you have to present!
The US look that the "Liberal Country" don´t have more problems with foreigner from south- or centralamerica. It´s in someway realistic and for getting work it´s the same in europe! The difference is only that you can visit europe without any problems, maybe because the flight is also not very cheap!
We aren´t thinking about working there!
In some way I can understand why for the most people in Venezuela, U.S aren´t the best friends. It´s strange how much U.S influence only in the supermarkets, all people like to safe the money in Dollar/Euro..., and how much political interest of the U.S have in an other Petrocountry.
For sure Venezuela has a lot, lot, of problems, but in giving the falt always only in other countries, and politic figures with dobleface arn´t the first and onliest one in this world.
The bad point is only: how has to take the consequences of all political shit: The "simple" people!
May be the "socialist" Chavezfamily should leave U.S. at first and save their money in bolivares and not dollars;)!
By the way: Where are you from?

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